PSFSr Administration - Suspense: How to manage Family Directory updates

How to manage Family Directory updates

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How to manage Family Directory updates

  1. Select Administration from the Navigation Bar.
  2. Under the Suspense tab, select Family Directory Updates.
  3. Under Step 1, select the family record you would like to manage.
  4. Under Step 2, select the suspense source: Family Information, Family Address, Family Member Information.
    • Under Action, manage (approve or deny) each data update one at a time - or -
    • Choose one of the buttons at the bottom of the page to approve or deny all updates for that suspense source.
  5. Click the Process Action button.
  6. If there is more to process for this family, go back to #4 above. If there are more families to manage, go to #3 above. Continue to manage each one until all of the updates have been managed.
  7. Once you have processed the changes, the member will be able to see how you managed it. If you add a note under Review Notes, they can see the reason behind your decision. This might be especially important if you deny a change.




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