PSFSr Family Directory - Family List: How to edit a family record

How to edit a family record

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How to edit the family record

  1. Select Family Directory from the Navigator Bar. This will open the Family List page.
  2. Use the search tools to find the family.
  3. To make any changes to the family record, you must click the Edit Details button at the bottom of the page.
  4. Once the family record has been updated, click one of the buttons at the bottom of the page.
    • Save: After making changes to the family record, if you want to save your changes but stay on this page in order to edit a member record, click this button. 
      • Note: if you try to go into the Member Details page before saving your changes, you will receive a prompt asking if you want to discard your changes.
    • Save & Close: If you are done with this family and have no more updates to the family or member records, you may click this button to go back to the family list.
    • Cancel: If you realize that the changes you made were incorrect, simply cancel. You will be taken back to the family record (not in edit mode).
    • Close: If you want to close this record and go back to the family list, click this button. If you have made any changes or even clicked on any fields, you will get a warning message that lets you know you forgot to save the updates. If not, you will be taken back to the family list.
  5. To navigate to the Member Details page, click the Member Details tab at the top left of the Family Details page.
    • After clicking the edit button on the family page, if you click the Member Details tab at the top of the page, you will receive the following alert:
    • If you haven't made any changes to the family record, you may simply click the left button, 'Change Tab & Lose Changes.' 
    • If you have made changes to the family record and have not yet saved these changes, click the 'Continue Editing' button, save the changes, then click the Member Details tab again.



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