PSFSr Family Directory - Communications: How to print mailing labels in the Avery 5160 format (or other formats)

How to print mailing labels in the Avery 5160 format (or other formats)

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How to print mailing labels in the Avery 5160 format (or other format)

  1. Prep: generate labels
  2. On the label viewer page, select the dropdown next to the save button and choose RTF.
  3. Click the save button.
  4. Find the download in the folder you have set up for your browser, usually Downloads, and open the file in Word (usually the default for this file type).
  5. The default label format, once opened in MS Word, is Avery 5160. If you have a different format label, do the following:
    1. Press Ctrl+A to select the entire document.
    2. Choose Mailings → Labels.
      Word displays the Envelopes and Labels dialog box and your first label should be displayed in the dialog box.
    3. Click Options
    4. Using the Label Products drop-down list, choose Avery Standard.
    5. In the Product Number list, choose your label format. Example: 5163 - Shipping.
    6. Click OK
    7. Make sure the Full page of same label radio button is selected.
    8. Click New Document. Word creates a new label document, using the label type you specified in steps 5 and 6.

    At this point, you should have two documents—one that is your original (Avery 5160 format) and one that is your new document (Avery 5163 format). The new document contains a full set of labels based on the first label in your original document.


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