PSFSr Family Directory - Family List: How to add a family as unregistered (also move from another church)

How to add a family as unregistered (also move from another church)

This article may also be described as:

  • How to add a family as Contributor Only
  • How to add a family as Religious Ed Only
  • How to add a family as Sacrament Only
  • How to add a family as a Visitor

Click the link that best describes this family's demographic: 

Member of another church within the diocese | New family to diocese and church






How to add an unregistered family who has an active record in another organization within the same diocese

To jump directly to the step-by-step written instructions, click here.





How to add an unregistered family who has an active record in another organization within the same diocese

  1. Select Family Directory from the Navigator Bar. This will open the Family List page.
  2. Click the Add New Family button. This will automatically bring up a pop-up window that will require you to search for the family you want to add.
    • If the family has a record within the same diocese, you will be able to find their record in the search results.
      • Just under the results grid (list of families that match your search criteria) is a slider bar. Scroll to the right to see additional information about each family to ensure you pick the correct record.
      • Click the radio button to the left of the family that matches key fields (such as phone number or email address) you will be able to import that family record into your organization. 
      • Then, under the button for Add Selected Family, click 'As Unregistered.'
  3. Once you have added the family to your organization, you will want to find the family record and update the Family Group (some options are Contributor Only, Religious Ed Only, Sacraments Only, Visitor) and possibly the envelope number. Note, only fields with titles shown in red may be updated for an unregistered family.  You may also want to update the Send Mail checkbox.
  4. When you have added an unregistered family to your list for a reason other than contributions, you may want to edit the member record(s) and update the fields with red titles that are pertinent to this member for your organization. 
    • The bottom half of the Member Details page has the fields you will likely want to update in this case, again depending on the reason you added this family to your list. Click the pertinent tab and update the details.





How to add an unregistered family who is new to your organization and to your diocese

To jump directly to the step-by-step written instructions, click here.




How to add an unregistered family who is new to your organization and to your diocese

  1. Select Family Directory from the Navigator Bar. This will automatically open the Family List page.
  2. Click the Add New Family button. This will automatically bring up a pop-up window that will require you to search for the family you want to add.
    • If the family is new to the diocese, you will still be required to conduct a search on the name. This is to avoid adding duplicate records.
    • It is good to conduct this search in case the family does have a record in the diocese. 
  3. Once you are satisfied that this is indeed a new family record for your diocese, click the Add New Family button.
  4. The Family/Member entry form will display for you to populate.
    • You must add at least one member's information to this form, but if you are adding a family with a husband and wife, adding them both here will be most efficient.
      • If the first member you are adding is either a husband or wife, make sure to change the Type from 'Head' to the correct value (Husband or Wife).
    • Once you have added all of the information for one member, click the link to 'Add Another Member' if applicable.
  5. After all members have been added, click the link in the center of the form to Auto Fill Family Names. This will populate the family record with the proper mailing names and salutations for this family. Note: This will only work properly if you have chosen the correct value for the field labeled Type.
  6. Add the address information at the far right.
  7. At the top/center of the form, you will see a heading for Family Information. Here you must:
    • Unmark registered 
    • Clear out the registered date.
    • Choose the family group that is pertinent to this family: Contributor Only, Religious Ed Only, Visitor, Sacraments Only, etc.
  8. Once you are satisfied all information has been added, click the Save & Edit button on the bottom of the form. This will take you into the family record. You may click on each member's name to edit their information as well.
    • Review the record to ensure all fields have been updated properly.
    • Edit as necessary, then save. Some fields you may want to add right away are:
      • Each member's cell phone
      • Any special needs (such as allergies) for each member
      • Any additional information you have gathered from the family that is not included on the initial form.
      • If you have any information to add for any of the members of the family pertaining to Religious Education, Sacraments, or Ministries, click into that Member (at the top) and then into the pertinent tab at the bottom of the member record, make the updates, and save the record.



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