PSFS Religious Ed - Reports | Attendance: How to generate an Attendance Report

How to get an Attendance Report

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  1. Use the vcaret to expand the Reports option.
  2. Under Reports, select Attendance from the Navigation Bar.
  3. Select Attendance Report from the Report Selector.
  4. Set the filter values that will be inclusive of all records you would like on the report:
    • Term: The filter will automatically select the term you selected on the last page. You can change this to another term as needed.
    • Dates: Select the date range. Then, click Apply.
    • Order By: This option allows you to choose how to sort the report. For the best outcome, think about your Classes Filter option when selecting how to sort your report. It wouldn't make sense to filter for only one grade and then also sort by grade. Options are:
      • Last Name
      • Grade
      • Birth Date 
      • Class Name
      • Family Last Name
    • Classes Filter: Choose the category on which you would like to filter (if any). See the example of using 'By Grade' for the Classes Filter. Otherwise, leave the default All Classes in Term. This filter works in conjunction with the next filter.
      • By Grade: If you would like to list only students in a particular grade(s), select this filter category. The next filter will allow you to select the grade(s).
      • By Session: If you would like to list only students in a particular session(s), select this filter category. The next filter will allow you to select the session(s).
      • By Department: If you would like to list only students in a particular department(s), select this filter category. The next filter will allow you to select the department(s).
      • Selected Classes: If you would like to list only students in a particular class(es), select this filter category. The next filter will allow you to select the class(es).
    • This next filter works in conjunction with the Classes Filter. If you use the default, "All Classes in Term' for the Classes Filter, you will not even see this last filter. It will only display if you choose one of the filter categories listed under the Classes Filter.
      • The name of this filter will change depending on the category you select for the Classes Filter.
      • The options for this filter will change depending on the category you select for the Classes Filter. If you select By Grade, it will allow you to mark which grades you would like to include. Likewise, if you chose Selected Classes, it will allow you to mark which classes you would like to include, etc. Here is an example of selecting 'By Grade' in the Classes Filter. The next filter displays and is named specifically after the Classes Filter category chosen.


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