PSFS Religious Ed - Students & Volunteers | Listing: How to generate a CSV listing of all of the students or volunteers in a session, in a class, or in a grade

How to generate a CSV listing of all of the students or volunteers in a session, in a class, or in a grade

  1. On the Students & Volunteers page, select the category tab for the report you wish to generate: Students or Volunteers.
  2. If you want to list students or volunteers in a term other than the default term (in this example it is 2020/2021), use the drop-down button to select the correct term.
  3. If you want all students or volunteers in the selected term, click the Export button at the top right of the page. Otherwise, filter the list using the category drop-down options: Sessions, Classes, and Grades.
    • Note: you may select from two additional categories that you will find when clicking the
      ellipses[ellipses.png]: Departments and Sacraments.
    • Click Apply and the filtered list will display on the page.

  4. Click the export button at the top right of the page to generate a CSV file similar to this one.

Click the following link to learn How to get a Roster Export (CSV)




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