Generate a Birthday List of Students




  1. Use the vcaret to expand the Reports option.
  2. Select Labels/List from the Navigation Bar.
  3. Select Birthday from the Report Selector.
  4. Set the filter values that will be inclusive of all students:
    • Term (1): The filter will automatically select the default term. You may change this to another term if preferred.
    • People (2): Select Students, Volunteers, or Both
    • Class (3): To get a birthday list of all students, select 'All' for this category. If you would like the list for only particular classes, choose 'Selected Classes', and another filter will display from which you may mark the classes.
  5. Classes (4): If you want to include all students/families/volunteers enrolled in the selected term, you may leave the default filter, "All Classes in Term." Otherwise, select a category on which to filter.

    • To filter on one of the above categories:
      1. Select the category under Classes Filter.
      2. A new filter will then display to the right of the Classes Filter named after the category chosen. The default for the selected category will be 'All.'
      3. Select the category filter.
        For example, if you want your labels or list to generate output for enrollees in the Sacramental Prep Session, choose 'By Session' for your Classes Filter and then mark Sacramental Prep.
  6. Order By: This option allows you to choose how to sort the report. Options are:
    • Family (default value)
    • Birthdate (actually uses birth month)
    • Class
    • Grade
    • Session (only pertinent if you have more than one session in the term)
  7. Select Birthday from the Report Selector.


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