PSFS Religious Ed - Students & Volunteers | Add: How to add a student to a class through the Students & Volunteers page

Only students who are already listed in the Family Directory may be added to a class. There are several acceptable instances where students may be enrolled in two classes in the same term such as first grade and communion prep or eighth grade and confirmation prep. 


How to add a student to a class through the Students & Volunteers page

The Students & Volunteers page is the default page when you first go into Religious Education. The Students page will be in view. If no students have been added, the page will look similar to the image above.

  • The Add Student button is available on the upper right of the page, and if no students are entered in the Religous Education module, you will see an additional + Student button:

Note: Only students who are populated in the Member List of the Family Directory will be available to add here.

  • Fill in the student information using the selections available from the dropdowns.
  • Cick Save.

  • When you go back to the Students page, you will see a list of students that have been added.
  • You may change the filter at the top to narrow down the results listed on the page to one class, one session, one grade, etc and click Apply:

Note: You may also add a student to a class from the class page. To see instructions on how to do so, click the following link: How to add a student to a class directly from the classes page



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