PSA L&P - Bills: How to find or search for a bill

How to find or search for a bill

  1. Go to Ledgers & Payables → Bills → Find Bill.
  2. Enter the search criteria. 
  3. Note:
    1. The Transaction number is the number assigned to the bill when it was entered. 
    2. The more criteria you enter fewer transactions will be displayed.

If you know the bill number, enter it in the Transaction Number field and click Search.  When you know the bill number, it is best not to select specific values for these otehr fields: AccountVendor, and Fiscal Year. Also, the Transaction Dates and the Transaction Amounts should be left blank. 


Example: If your fiscal year ends June 30 entering the fiscal year 2020-2021 and Transaction dates 07/01/2021 to 12/31/2021 you will not get any results, as the fiscal year and the date range cancel each other out. July of 2021 thru December 2021 transactions are in the fiscal year 2021-2022. 








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