SEP Individuals - Import: How to import records to add individuals to Safe Environment

How to import records to add individuals to the Safe Environment Program

  1. Start by creating a folder with a name and in a place you will easily remember and find. In this example, we created a folder called SEP Import Files in our Documents folder.
  2. From the dashboard, navigate to the Individuals page.
  3. On the Individuals page, click the export button (1).
  4. To ensure your records are in the proper format, click the Download Template button (2).
  5. Copy the template from the Downloads folder to the folder you created for SEP Imports.
  6. Edit the IndividualImportTemplate (3) and add your records (4), filling in the information as prompted by the column headers.
    • To avoid having to download the template for future imports, save this file under a new name. Add helpful information to the file name, such as the date.
  7. Now that you have a file to import, go back to the Individuals page and select the Import button again, browse for and select the populated file.
  8. Once you select the file, you will have a final choice to continue the upload. If there are duplicate records or fields in the file that are not formatted properly, you will receive an error.
    • In the case of a duplicate record, we selected Apply With Warnings which imported all the records except the duplicate. If it is truly a duplicate, you don't want to import it again. If it is a different record but with the same first and last names, you must differentiate between the existing record and the import record by adding additional distinct information.
    • If the fields are improperly formatted, you may not import the file until they are formatted correctly.
      • Certain fields expect distinct and complete information such as driver's license, status, etc.
  9. You may now manage each record through the application.


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