How to use the action buttons on each page
- An active button is shown in dark grey while an inactive button is shown in light grey.
Help button: The Help button is always active and when selected opens the online encyclopedia for the page.
Grid View Button: The Grid View Button is only active when your page is displayed in Card View. As the name implies, when the grid view is activated, the records will be displayed as a grid (see image below). See the Card View Button to compare the views.
Card View Button: The Card View Button is only active when your page is displayed in Grid View. As the name implies, when Card View is activated, the records will be displayed as cards (see image below). See the Grid View Button to compare the views.
/ Add Record Buttons: This button will be present on any page where a record may be added. Two examples are the Individuals page and the Organizations page.
Import Record Button: This button is specific to the Individuals and the Organizations pages. On the Individuals page, it enables you to import Personally identifiable information (PII) for individuals you need to track in SEP. PII includes name, contact information, address, driver's license info, and position information. On the Organizations page, it enables you to import Organizational identifiable information (OII) such as name, type, region, vicariate, contact, address, and contact information. When you select the Import Record Button, look for the Download Template button in the upper right to get a CSV template file for the import record.
Upload Individual Documents: This button is specific to the Individual's page. It enables you to Upload files containing results from a background check and/or a training requirement from external third-party programs.
Export Record Button: Currently, when you click the export button, all records that meet the filter criteria will be exported to a CSV file. If no filters are set, all records will be exported.
Email Button: This button is specific to the Individuals and the Settings → Users pages. It enables you to email the individuals or users that meet the filter criteria as long as they have an email address. If no filters are set, all individuals with an email address on file will populate the "To" field of the email. This action button will only be present on the page if at least one individual that meets the filter criteria has an email address in their record.
View Filters Button: When you select the View Filters button, a filter panel will open on the right side of the page. The filter options will be different depending on the page. There are additional action buttons on the Filter Panel.
Merge Selected Records Button: This button works hand-in-hand with the information just discussed regarding how to select records and how to view the selected records. If you found that you added a record twice, you may select both records and click the Merge Selected Records Button. See How to merge selected records for more information.
Delete Record Button: This button is located in an individual's record, Click the delete button to the left of the record you want to delete and then confirm.
Search Button: As soon as you fill in your search terms or select any of the checkboxes, the filter automatically updates.
Revert Button: This button is present on several pages and when clicked and confirmed, it sets the page back to before the changes. It is only live before the Save Button has been selected.
Save Button: This button will save the record. It becomes live when changes are made that have not yet been saved.