PSG Reports - Reconciliation Report: How to print a reconciliation report for ParishSOFT Giving

How to print a reconciliation report for ParishSOFT Giving

  1. Using the Navigator Bar, expand Reports.
  2. Under Reports, select Transactions.
  3. In the upper right hand of the ReportsTransaction page, select Filters.
  4. In the Filters Panel, select:
    • The Batch ID radio button
    • The batches for the required timeframe
      • The dates shown next to the batch ID are the deposit dates for those transactions.
  5. Select Apply Filters at the bottom of the Filter Panel to see the transactions filtered by the deposit dates you selected.
  6. If you want the software to calculate total contributions by the fund as well, go back to the Filter Panel and select the Fund dropdown field. 
    • This will enable you to select multiple funds.
    • Selecting the pertinent funds will automatically give you the total contributions by fund calculation on the report.
  7. The transactions page will now look similar to this:
  8. If you want to see the deposit date on the page, you may add this field by using the Hamburger button [hamburger_button.png] at the top to the right of the Source column.
    • Click the option for Funding Date (which is another term for Deposit Date.
    • Then click Close.

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