PSA DMO Integration - Deposits: What to do if the offering batch was mapped to the wrong bank account

What to do if the offering batch was mapped to the wrong bank account

Depending on your login privileges (assigned by your church administrator or by your diocese), and depending on the deposit date as compared to your current accounting month, you may be able to follow these steps. If you do not have the privileges you must find someone at your organization or diocese who does. If the accounting period is closed, you must use the second option.

  1. Edit the deposit to change the wrong bank account to the correct bank account or
  2. Create a journal entry that only moves that part of the deposit from one bank account to another.
    • If you must implement option 2...
      1.  date your journal entry on the deposit date
      2. Credit the wrong bank account, and 
      3. Debit the correct bank account only for the amount associated with this Deposit/Fund.
  3. To learn how to map your batch to the correct bank account in the future, see How to map your batch to a bank account.


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