When will the DMO Offering deposit be posted in accounting and what will the deposit look like?
As long as PSFS DMO → PSA integration has been set up between accounting and offering, the deposit will be created in accounting when the offering batch is closed unless PSFS DMO is also integrated with PSG.
- How to close an offering batch
- How to set up integration between ParishSOFT Accounting and ParishSOFT Offering (DMO).
There will be one debit to the bank account and one credit for each revenue fund in the offering batch as shown in the image below.
What will the deposit look like in accounting?
How a deposit is recorded in ParishSOFT Accounting when ParishSOFT Offering is integrated with ParishSOFT Giving
If PSG is integrated with PSFS DMO, you will see a deposit date entry field and a deposit button on the Batch Details record which will allow you to create a deposit in ParishSOFT Accounting populated with the batch information.
Deposit Date and Deposit Button
Here is how the deposit date/button will work: after the batch receives all transactions from PSG and receives the Closed Date, then a Deposit Date field and a Deposit Button will be displayed on the batch. Users will need to enter the deposit date and click that Deposit Button to send the batch over to Accounting as a deposit.
Deposited Checkbox
Creating a deposit using the above process will then flag the new deposited checkbox on the batch, to record that the batch has been successfully sent to Accounting. Note: If you have batch deposits that you have manually entered into Accounting and that weren't sent by the integration process, then you can manually mark that deposited checkbox and Click the "Deposit to Accounting" button to record that the transactions in the batch were manually entered into Accounting. (see image above)