DM Pledges - Sustaining Gifts: How to add a sustaining gift

How to add a sustaining gift

Sustaining gifts are ongoing donations to a fund. They differ from pledges because they are considered "forever gifts" that never expire. Sustaining givers commit to donating a specific amount to a fund on a recurring basis, for example, monthly, quarterly, or biannually-- with no end date. 

The option for Sustaining Gift will only be available for those funds that are marked to allow sustaining gifts.

  • These gifts may be edited by staff to update the amount, frequency, or canceled at any time.
  • When a sustaining gift is updated, a reason is required before the record can be saved.


To add a sustaining gift:

  1. Go to Pledges.
  2. Click the add pledge button (+).
  3. From the displayed menu, select Sustaining Gift.
  4. Select the fund and donor type.
  5. Continue entering the information for the donor commitment.
    • Donor
    • Gift Date*
    • Gift Notes
    • Start Date*
    • Do not enter an End Date. This field will be used to cancel the sustaining gift.
    • Frequency*
    • Installment Amt*
    • Fulfillment Method*
    • Statement Months
  6. Save the record.

    Later, if the member wants to end the sustaining gift commitment, you may edit this record and add an end date. An end date may only be entered for the current date (not into the future).



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