PSG Forms - Creating a Pledge form to collect information for creating the pledge in PSFS

This article will guide you through the process of creating a Pledge Form. Once the form is complete, you will be able to export the information for use in creating a pledge in the ParishSOFT Family Suite (PSFS).

An example of the pledge form can be found HERE.

  1. Be sure to familiarize yourself with the following articles:
  2. You will need to create the following fields to capture the necessary information to create the pledge in PSFS:
    • Name - Contact Info Field
    • Envelope Number - Number Field (optional)
    • Family ID - Short Text Field (optional)
    • Pledge Fund - Dropdown Field
    • Pledge Amount - User Amount Field (1 field per fund option, a conditional field)
    • Payment Method - Dropdown Field
    • Statement per month? - Radio Buttons
    • If so, which months - Checkbox Field (a conditional field)
    • Payment recommendation text - Static Text Field

      All fields should be required unless otherwise noted as optional.
  3. Enable partial payments using the directions in the following article:
  4. Set up the form to automatically email to the staff member responsible for entering the pledges into PSFS using the following method:
  5. Use the information contained in the email received when the form was submitted to create the pledge in the Offering program. Instructions on how to create the pledge are in the following article
  6. If a contribution comes in that should be linked to a pledge and is not, this article will guide you through linking that contribution to the pledge:


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