PSFS Home - Giving history: Why am I not able to see giving history?

Why am I not able to see giving history?

The following items may affect what you may or may not see on a family's giving history page:

Note: you will only see transactions for which you have fund permissions. 


Have you or your staff been set up with the proper access rights and fund permissions?

Are the contributions you expect to find on the Giving History page in a closed batch? or were they entered directly on the Contributions page? (if so, skip these bullets)

  • Only posted contributions that are in a closed batch or that were posted directly on the contributions page will be present on the giving history page.

Double-check the tax-deductible status of the fund 

  • Navigate to Offering > Funds > Search for specific fund and check for tax-deductible setting outlined below:

  • If you have the tax-deductible check-box marked, only contributions posted to a tax-deductible fund will display. Try un-marking this option. 
  • If the posting now displays but you are certain this posting should be to a tax-deductible fund, you must edit the fund and update the option.

Double-check to see if the posting was made to the family record or to the member record

  • Only contributions posted to the family record will display unless the option to Include Member Information is marked. We recommend marking this option.
  • If the posting now displays but you are certain this posting belongs to the family, you may need to create a correcting entry through a correction batch.

Double-check the posting date

  • The posting date must fall within the selected year on the giving history page. If you know you selected the correct year on this page and all of the above criteria is met, go to the Contributions page and double-check the posting date.

Set the filters to the broadest options available 

  • Double-check all of the other filters on the Giving History page, selecting all funds and all years to see if the posting displays.

Administration > Manage Staff

  • Ensure the staff member working in the records has permission to view Giving History: 


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