PSFC Views - Reports: What information shows up in public views and what information can be seen with an account

What information shows up in public views and what information can be seen with an account

Anyone who has a login and edit or view privileges will be able to see internal notes for all events unless their permissions are limited by specific properties. Then they will only see the information for events that have the assigned properties. 

There are really only two ways to create public views of your calendar: embed the view into your website or create a link and upload the link to your calendar. Another way to get the information to the public is through creating a report or printout of the calendar.

Public Views: For either of these two public views, the only information that will show in the majority of cases is the event title, date, and time. In the Agenda View, the only additional information that will show is the event description. No internal notes will show in any of these public views.

Private views: People who can log into the calendar can see the calendar, and they can see information depending on the permissions they are given by the Administrator. However, if a user is set up under any other category other than Admin, access to information will be limited by their permissions. 


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