PSA L&P - Vendor Direct Deposit: How to turn on and set up the vendor direct deposit feature

How to turn on and set up the vendor direct deposit feature

    1. How a diocese admin may activate the vendor direct deposit feature
    2. How to grant user permissions to process direct deposit tasks
    3. How to set up the organization's ACH bank account
    4. How to set up the vendor's ACH bank account

How a diocese admin may activate the vendor direct deposit feature

If your organization is not affiliated with a diocese, the Vendor Direct Deposit feature is activated by default. You can skip this step.

  1. Open Consolidation Manager → Click Options. *Note: if you are in a diocese, the diocese controls this feature and you must appeal to them if you'd like it turned on.
  2. Scroll down and select the Vendor Direct Deposit checkbox.
  3. Submit




How to grant user permissions to process direct deposit tasks

Each user assigned the Church Administrator role has full access to all direct deposit tasks. Each task has its own permission.

  1. Navigate to Church Manager and select Permissions.
  2. Use the Quick Find drop-down to select the church user for whom you want to update permissions.

Follow these steps to set up a church user who needs to do any of the following tasks:



How to grant permission to a church user to set up the organization's ACH bank account

  1. Scroll down to the Ledger And Payables section and find Account ACH.
  2. Mark Read and Allow/Write. These two permissions will enable the church user to add an ACH bank account. This task likely only needs to be done one time or at least very infrequently.
  3. If this church user needs to be granted delete privileges, also mark that box.
  4. If you are done editing permissions for this church user, click Submit.











How to grant permission to a church user to set up the vendor's ACH bank account

  1. Scroll down to the Ledger And Payables section and find Check ACH.
  2. Mark Read and Allow/Write. These two permissions will enable the church user to set up vendor ACH bank accounts. This task will need to be done any time a new vendor or an existing vendor first agrees to receive ACH payments, so periodically.
  3. If this church user needs to be granted delete privileges, also mark that box.
  4. If you are done editing permissions for this church user, click Submit.











How to grant permission to a church user to process direct deposit payments to vendors

  1. Scroll down to the Ledger And Payables section and find Vendor Direct Deposit.
  2. Mark Read and Allow/Write. These two permissions will enable the church user to pay a vendor through ACH processing. This task will need to be done any time an ACH vendor gets paid,  so frequently.
  3. If this church user needs to be granted delete privileges, also mark that box.
  4. If you are done editing permissions for this church user, click Submit.









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