Form Templates and Examples
Below you will find a number of example forms you can use as models for your own forms. These examples show some of the more advanced features in the Forms tool. Please make any necessary changes to your own form to meet the specific needs of your parish.
These are only examples of forms you can build in your own ParishSOFT Giving platform, and not templates you can download. You will need to replicate the form yourself.
If you need assistance with creating a form or making alterations to the example please schedule a meeting with one of our Giving Success Coaches HERE.
Faith Formation Forms
- Religious Education Registration and Payment
- Pay for Religious Education Tuition
- Confirmation Service Hours
- Spring Field Trips
Parish Office Forms
- Parishioner Registration
- Wedding Application
- Baptism Application
- Funeral Request
- Maintenance Request
- Bulletin Request
- Expense Reimbursements
Ministry Requests
Fundraising Forms
- Angel Tree Nomination Form
- Volunteer for our Angel Tree Program
- Spring Flowers Sale
- Christmas Flowers Sale
- Concert Tickets
- Fish Fry option 1
- Fish Fry option 2
- St. Vincent de Paul Donation Page
- T-Shirt Sale
- Ticketed Dinner
- Trunk or Treat Sign Up