Searching the Knowledge Base for a Resolution

How to search the Knowledge Base for a resolution to your issue

When on the Knowledge Base page, you may find solutions to your specific software questions. 

Use one of the following techniques to find an article on your topic:

  1. On any page, you may use the search bar to type in a phrase that indicates your topic.
    • Most of our articles begin with the phrase, "How to" so beginning your search with this phrase may help narrow down the results. For example: "How to add a family," or "How to print a check."
    • Although you may type in your phrase on the main Support Center page, it is most efficient to drill down into the section of interest before using the search bar. Here's an example of drilling down before searching for "How to add a family."
  2. Another option is to drill down into a section and scan the article titles for your specific issue or question. When a section has more than one category, you will notice the category is noted.


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