How to divide a contribution into a posting for two or more funds
If you have already posted the contribution but now want to correct the entry, dividing the amount over two funds, you must remove the original entry entirely, and then add two new entries, one for each fund. If you don't remove the original entry entirely, it will not look right on statements. If you have not yet added the contribution, see: How to post contributions to a batch
- If the original entry was added through the Contributions page, see How to delete a contribution that was not posted through a batch.
- If the original entry was added through the batch process and the batch is still open (or flagged for review), see How to delete a contribution that was posted through a batch (still open).
- If the original entry was added through the batch process and the batch is now closed, you must reverse the amount out entirely before adding in the correct amount for the same fund. See How to correct a closed batch posting that was added in error or for the wrong amount.
Now, you may add or re-add the contribution, dividing it as the donor wishes, among two or more funds: one entry for each fund. If you use the correction batch process referenced in the third bullet above to remove the old posting, you may add these new entries to that correction batch. Or, you may simply add the postings on the Contributions page, one for each fund.
Tip: If you track donation check numbers, you could use alpha letters at the end of the check number to denote dividing the amount from one check among two funds and thus two entries.
For help adding the contributions see the help article that works for your method of contribution entry: