How to get a list of contributions for a date span and/or minimum and/or maximum amount sorted by one of several fields by ascending or descending value
1. Go to the Contributions page.
Using the Navigator Bar, select Contributions.
Using the Contributions Card, select from Today, Week, Month, or Year. Please note the bullets below the image on choosing a timeframe.
2. On the Contributions page use the Filter Panel and Search Field to find Contributions.
- Sort Order: You may sort in Ascending or Descending order.
- Date Span: You may enter the date span of your choice.
- Sort Feld: You may sort by any of the following fields: Batch Name, Posting Date, Fund Name, Amount, Family ID, Member ID, or Contribution ID.
- Minimum Amount/Maximum Amount Fields are displayed further below (scroll bar can be used). Add data to these fields to drill down contribution search results according by amount given per minimum amount, maximum amount, or both.
3. Once you activate the filter selections using the filter button and then click the export button, you will get a choice between 'Contributions Entered Today' or Contribution Export. If you are not reporting on today's entries, choose the second option.