How to add people to the Facility Calendar
People may be added for informational purposes only (as in adding the person as an event contact person) or added to be able to make additions or edits to the calendar.
- In Facility Calendar, click the gear cog to open the Settings page.
- Click the People button on the left.
- Fill in the information for the person.
- At a minimum, add first and last names plus an email address.
- You may also want to add a contact phone number if this person is to be used as an event contact.
- Click Add. *See the information below the image to learn how to create an account for them to use to log into Facility Calendar.
If you want them to be able to log into the calendar, after adding and saving the person record, you must do two things: add a password and add permissions
- Note: In lieu of adding a password here, those that are not listed under the Admin Permissions may use the forgot password option on the login page as long as the Admin has added a people record and added permissions (#2 below).
- Click the name in the People Panel.
- If the user wants to use the same credentials they use in Family Suite, you may update the username here to match.
- Fill in the password (in both fields) and save the record.
- Note: the password will not be visible in the field once you save the record.
- Those with Administrative assignments may come to this page and update their password here. They may not use the forgot password option.
Add Permissions (using the Permissions button on the Setup panel) before the user can access their account. See How to assign permissions.
Forgot Password