PSFS Offering Integration with Accounting - PSA Administration: How to give a staff member accounting permissions to create deposits in ParishSOFT Accounting

How to give a staff member accounting permissions to create deposits

Accounting privileges may only be updated by a person with an administrative account in PSA. Many times, the diocese must get involved.

  1. If the staff does not have an account for PSA, you must start by creating the church user account. Note: this staff normally does not get these login credentials.
  2. Next, use the instructions in this article to update the privileges so the account can be used to create deposits in PSA.

How to update an account to allow for reading/writing deposits

  1. In the Church Manager tab, select Permissions.
  2. In Quick Find at the right, click the down-arrow and select the staff you would like to update.
  3. The staff record displays all the permissions set for that person. Mark Deposits for Read and Allow/Write, then click Submit.


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