PSFS Offering | Batches - Lookup ID: How to use the Lookup ID option on both batch posting entry and contribution entry pages

How to use the Lookup ID option on both batch posting entry and contribution entry pages

No matter which posting option you choose, batch posting or contribution posting, you will see the option for Lookup ID. 


This button will allow you to lookup any member by each of these fields or a combination of these fields together: Search ID, First Name, Last Name, Address, Phone, Email.

  1. To use this button on either page, start by clicking the magnifying glass.
  2. Then, fill in any of the known fields.
    • Note, the field entry here (for all fields) does something called a fuzzy search where if you only know the first letter of the last name, you may enter it and it will bring up all members with a name that begins with that letter.
    • Also, note in the upper right corner, this search is on Family records. YOu may use the dropdown to select Member to lookup by a member if you choose. 
  3. Once you have filled in the information, click the Search button in the lower-left corner.
  4. The Results screen will display all the records that match your criteria. If you see your record, select it by clicking on the name or ID link.
  5. This will take you back to either your contribution entry page or your batch posting entry page where you may continue your entry for the selected donor. (This example shows contribution entry)
  6. If you do not see the donor on the results page, you may close the page or click on the search tab to go back to enter additional criteria.


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