PSFC Setup - People: How to add or change a username and or password

How to change your password (Admin) or set the password of a new user

Once you have logged into Facility Calendar, Click the Tools button for Settings.

If you do not have Admin Permissions, click here to learn how you may update your password.

  1. From the Settings screen, select the People button.
  2. Then click your name (or the name of the person whose credentials you want to update). 
  3. You may update the username on this page if desired. Some like to match the username in the Facility Calendar to the same one used in ParishSOFT Family Suite.
  4. To add or change the password, simply type the desired password in both the Password and the Password Confirm fields.
    • Make sure you retype them instead of using copy and paste to make sure there is no typo in either entry.
    • You may update the password here to match the one used in Family Suite.
    • There are two ways a non-administrative user may update their own password:
      1. Update it on the screen in the Administrator's office while the Administrator looks away. Once the Submit button is clicked, the password is no longer visible.
      2. Use the Forgot Password option on the login page. When the forgot password email is sent, the person may update their password to the desired word or phrase.
  5. Save the record.
  6. You may now log out and in again using your new password.


Forgot Password





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