Correction batches are created from the Contributions page and never from the Batches page.
This article will describe how to create a correction batch to update one or more of the following fields: Donor, Fund, Contribution Date, Contribution Type, Memo, Tax-Deductible Flag.
When you have a closed batch and you realize that a group of contributions (or even one) has the wrong Donor, Fund, Contribution Date, Contribution Type, Memo, or Tax-Deductible flag, you may follow this process to make a correction batch. This will create a batch that has two sets of entries for the selected contributions.
Set One will reverse the "original" selected entries.
Set Two will re-add the entries, but with the updated fields as noted.
How to create a correction batch
- From the Contributions page, search for the contributions to correct using the side filter panel.
- If you want to correct a whole batch or several transactions that are in a particular batch, search the batch description in the filter panel to pull up the transactions in that batch.
- Mark the contributions and click the Create Correction Batch button in the toolbar (upper-right):
- You may mark them one at a time or select them all by clicking the Select All check box.
- The Create Correction batch page displays and you must fill in the following:
- Under the heading Edit Values on the right side panel, choose the category for correction.
Name the correction batch. See the following suggestions:
- If your correction batch is basically a correction of an existing batch, name the correction batch exactly the same as the original with the word 'Correction' or the letters 'CB' at the end.
- Any name that describes the correction batch, that is memorable.
Fill in the field or fields for your selected category with the correcting value. In the example used in the images in this article, the fund is changing from Christmas Flowers to Offering.
Reason: Fill in the reason for the correction. The Reason field is required.
- Click the save button in the top-right corner.
Reason: Fill in the reason for the correction. The Reason field is required.
- You will be prompted to make sure you still want to create this correction batch.
- The batch will be created as soon as you answer yes.
- You will immediately be taken to the Batch Details page.
- The batch will automatically be flagged as a review batch.
You may now follow the instructions for How to review a batch and when you determine it is accurate, you may follow the instructions for How to close a batch. Closing the batch is required for the changes to show on reports.
Once you have closed the correction batch, you can download a Batch Postings List for your records to PDF of Excel:
How to manage batch corrections for specific issues
- Adding postings: How to make additions to a closed batch.
- Amount: How to correct a closed batch posting that was added in error or for the wrong amount.
- Fund: How to create a correction batch to update the fund in a closed batch posting
- Donor: How to create a correction batch to update the donor in a closed batch posting
- Date: How to create a correction batch to update the transaction date in a closed batch posting
- Tax-deductible status: How to create a correction batch to update the tax-deductible status of a transaction in a closed batch posting