PSFS Religious Ed (Legacy) - Attendance: How to add and view a note for a class on a specific date

How to add and view a note for a class on a specific date


When you add a note into the attendance record using the following instructions, a note icon will display under the notes column for that date. 

  1. Go to Religious EducationClasses.
  2. Under Classes (on the left), select the Term. (A) (see image below)
  3. Select the Class. (B)
  4. The class information will display to the right. Click the Attendance tab. (C)
  5. In the records grid, click the attendance date for which you'd like to add a note.
    A new window will pop up listing the class and attendance for that date.
  6. Click the Notes tab and enter the note for that specific class date.
  7. Click Save.
    • When you go back to the Attendance Grid, you will now see a notes icon displayed in the Dates row under the Notes column. You may click the icon to view or edit the note.

Please note: If you add a general note for the entire class (and not for a specific date) the notes icon will not display in the grid. Only notes added through opening the class through clicking the date will have a notes icon. The image below shows how to add a general class note.






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