PSFS Offering | Donor Reports - Statements: How to determine the best export option for your donor reports

How to determine the best export option for your donor reports

There are two export options for each donor report, and each one renders files that are formatted in very different ways.

Once you have selected the donor report as well as limited the output through field choices and filters, you are ready to generate the output file. The two output options render files that are formatted very differently.

  • The Excel file does not include anything added or selected through the Configure → Contents option or any of the related fields such as Signature, Body of Statement, Printed Name, or Letterhead. It does include any report filters selected on the main Donor Reports page and also through the Configure → Filters options.
    • This file is intended for your own records or for use with a third party mail-merge application.
    • ParishSOFT support will help with the file generation, but if you use a third-party application for mail-merge, support for that product must be pursued through the application designer.
  • The PDF file generates with all fields and configurations taken into account and renders a letter format. 



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