DM Reports - Parish Reports: How to add or remove the option for printing a report for a particular fund

How to add or remove the option for printing a report for a particular fund

  1. Go to the Funds page.
    • Using the Navigator Bar, select Funds.
    • Using the Funds Card, select Go to Funds.
  2. On the Funds page, if you know part of the fund name, enter it in the search bar then click the search button. If you do not know part of the fund name, click the search button and all the funds will display.
  3. Once you see your fund, click the fund link.

  4. On the Fund Details page, select the Parish Reports tab.
    • Click the edit button to the left of the report name.
    • Mark all of the checkboxes for each permission category you would like to access this report.
    • Update the custom name for the report if you want it to be different than the ParishSOFT report name.
    • Click the save button.

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