PSFS Offering | Donor Reports - Statements: How to edit or view an existing 'body of statement'

How to edit or view an existing 'body of statement'

This article assumes you already have an existing body of statement that you either want to edit or view. If you want to learn how to create a new Body of Statement, click the link.

  1. Go to the Donor Reports page.
    • Using the Navigation Bar, select Reports → Donor.
    • Using the Reports Card, select Donor.
  2. Click the gear button (Configure) in the upper right corner of the page, then select Contents.
  3. Scroll down to the Body of Statement drop-down field.
    • Click the down-arrow to select a statement. The selected text will populate in the text window (see image below).
    • The Cancel button can be used to close the window after reviewing the text with no added changes.
    • To edit the Body of Statement contents see Step #5.
    • To delete the selected Body of Statement see Step #6

  4. To edit the text, click the edit button ().
    • Click inside the text to make changes; edit within the Name field to Save. (Updates won't save unless a change is made within the Name field).
      • Note: The length of the body of statement may affect page breaks. If it's slightly too long (requiring an extra page) yet every word's needed, consider changing the font or the font size; or rewrite the text with fewer words.
    • Save changes. Click Save & Close or Cancel to close the Report Contents configure screen when done.
  5. To delete the text, click the delete button (). Click Save & Close or Cancel to close the Report Contents configure screen when done.


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