PSG Gear Button - Import Data: How your file must be formatted prior to using the ParishSOFT Giving Donor Importer

How your file must be formatted before using the ParishSOFT Giving Donor Importer


Import Data Tool

The Import Data Tool can help your church or organization switch from another digital giving platform to ParishSOFT Giving as easily as possible.

How to format each CSV file for import

  1. Create a CSV file with column headers and data that match the following for each of the categories you wish to import.
    • The table below gives you the column headers for each import category.
    • For more information on each of the fields, click the link for each category: Donor Profile, Giving History, Recurring Gifts.

      DonorId  FirstName  LastName  AddressLine1 AddressLine2  City State Zip Email  Phone  EnvelopeNumber 
      DonorId  Account Fund AccountNumber  OrderNumber  TransactionType  Date        
      DonorId  Account Fund Comments CreatedDate StartDate StartDate2 Frequency  Installments    
  2. Save each file to an easy-to-find location. You must browse each file when you go through the import process.


Donor Profile


  • All column headers with an asterisk are required. You can't leave those cells blank or the system will return an error message.
  • It is possible to create the Donor Profile Import File from ParishSOFT Family Suite if you wish, exporting it to a CSV file.  If you do so, rather than Donor ID, we recommend using Family DUID and/or Member DUID. Keep the column header as Donor ID though.




Giving History


  • All column headers with an asterisk are required. You can't leave those cells blank or the system will return an error message.



Recurring Gifts


  • All column headers with an asterisk are required. You can't leave those cells blank or the system will return an error message.
  • If you wish to import indefinite gifts, then the installment number you will enter is "0".
  • The last column that is truncated in this image is installments.





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