How to bulk-edit a group of contributions that were not entered through a batch
Only those contributions entered outside of a batch in the contributions screen may be bulk-edited.
To edit a group of contributions or a single contribution is virtually the same process. To access the article that steps through a single contribution edit, see the article, How to edit a single contribution that was not entered through a batch.
- Go to the Contributions page.
- Using the Navigator Bar, select Contribution.
-or- - Using the Batches Card, select Year, or the correct option (Today, Week, Month) that includes the contribution dates of the records you want to edit.
- Using the Navigator Bar, select Contribution.
- Use the Filter Panel on the right to filter the records for those you want to edit, making your selection and clicking the search action icon at the top of the filter panel:
- Narrow down your search using a field or a combination of fields that they all have in common such as Fund, Contribution Date, Tax Deductible status, etc.
- Narrow down your search using a field or a combination of fields that they all have in common such as Fund, Contribution Date, Tax Deductible status, etc.
- Select the contributions you would like to Bulk-Edit. You may use the selection checkbox in the top left column header to select all records that qualify or click the checkbox to the left of each record to select or to de-select each one.
- Records that were added through a Batch can be selected in this screen but cannot be edited (see how to edit a contribution record in a batch).
- In this example, the Tax Deductible field will be changed from Yes to No.
- Once you have selected those contribution records you want to edit, click the edit action icon in the upper right corner of the screen that appears as a pencil icon.
- The Contributions Multi-Edit screen will display.
- An Edit Values panel will display on the right side of the screen.
- A count of the number of contributions selected for change is shown at the top left.
- A reason is required and must be entered in order to save the record.
- Edit the record as follows:
- Mark the field or fields you want to bulk-edit in the Edit Values panel. This example shows "Tax Deductible" marked.
- Make the changes to the field or fields on the left side of the screen. This example shows "No" selected for Tax Deductible.
- Add a reason for the edit.
- Click the save action icon on the upper right side of the screen. This will make the change to all selected records.
- Once the edit is saved, you will receive a message stating that the change was successful in the top right corner.