PSFS Tuition - Reports: How to print a tuition statement

How to print a tuition statement

NOTE: Before you start, be sure the invoices are all finalized. Draft invoices will not produce a statement!

  1. Go to Tuition
  2. Select Reports
  3. On the left side, under Report, select Statements.
  4. The Filters screen will display where you may select from the following options:
    • Balance Filters: Outstanding (statements with an outstanding balance), Zero (statements with a zero balance)
    • Report Options: Mark the option to include a remittance slip if you would like to do so.
  5. Click the Next button in the lower right corner
  6. The Date screen will display where you may enter a date span into the Payment Date Filter and choose the month/year into the Invoice Filter. Then, click Next.
  7. Finally, the Customers screen will display where you may choose between printing statements for all customers or only selected customers. Once you have completed your choices, click View Statements.


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