How to search for a pledge record
Go to the Pledges page.
- Using the Navigator Bar, select Pledges.
-or- - From the Home/DM page using the Pledges Card, select Go to Pledges.
- Using the Navigator Bar, select Pledges.
Development Manager is designed with processing speed in mind. This is why when you access the Funds or the Pledges screens for the first time, for example, the center screen will be blank. Instead of using system resources to collect and display all of the records, DM's efficient use of resources lets you enter your search criteria first, limiting the number of records that must be found and displayed.
- On the Pledges page, you may use the search bar, the filter panel, or a combination of both to display your pledge records.
Search Bar: Enter a keyword (Pledge ID, Family ID, Member ID, Family Name, or Member Last Name) in the search bar to populate your screen with all pledges containing the keyword.
- Once you enter the search term, click the search action button at the end of the search bar. If you change the search term, you must click the search action button again to refresh the results.
Filter Panel: The Filter Panel may be used in conjunction with the search bar or independently. To use the Filter Panel, enter terms into the corresponding fields and click the search action button at the top:
Filter on one or more of the fields
- Fund, Pledge Type, Giving Source, OBO Organization
- Use the search action buttons for Pledge family or Pledge member to filter the results by more specific data such as email or phone number.
- Once you have added your terms to the Filter Panel, you must click the search icon at the top of the filter panel. If you change a term, you must click the search icon again to refresh the results.
- You may use both the Search Bar and the Filter Panel in conjunction with each other. If you do so, you must click the search action icon for each to activate the terms you have entered or selected in each.
- If there are more than three records once your filters and search have been activated, you may want to click the grid view icon to see more records per page. You may also advance the page by clicking the forward arrow in the results page lower right corner.
- Once your record is displayed on the screen, click the link to open the pledge record.