How to adjust a pledge amount
- Go to the Pledges page.
- Using the Navigator Bar, select Pledges.
- Using the Navigator Bar, select Pledges.
- Search for the pledge you would like to adjust.
- There are several fields that may be changed in a pledge record after it has been saved. This article shows how to adjust the amount. Click the link to see how to edit a pledge for the other areas listed.
- To adjust the pledge amount, click the pencil edit button in the Adjustments field and a new Pledge Adjustments screen will open.
- Click the plus sign action button in the upper right corner of the Pledge Adjustment screen and a new adjustment line will display with entry fields for date, amount, type, and comment.
- Adjustment Date: Enter the date of the adjustment
- Adjustment Amount: Use a positive number to enter how much you want to increase the original pledge amount or a negative number to enter how much you want to decrease the original pledge amount.
- Type: Enter the type of adjustment.
We suggest using the options in the following ways:- Did the donor change their mind? select Donor.
- Did the data entry clerk enter the wrong amount? select Admin.
- Did the pledge amount increase due to an overpayment? select Overpayment.
- Did the pledge end without the promised payment? change the pledge amount to the amount that was given and select Write-off.
- Complete the Adjustment Entry by clicking Confirm in the lower right corner of the Adjustment screen. If you Cancel instead, none of the changes you made will be saved. Note: You also must save the Pledge record once you have confirmed the change. Both Confirm and Save must be done to save the updated information.
- Once you have added the adjustment, you must add a reason in the Reason text box and click the Save button at the top. The record will not save without a reason.
- Save.