PSA A/R - Payment: What to do when the option to delete a payment is not available

What to do when the option to delete a payment is not available

When a payment has been entered and needs to be deleted (or edited), but you currently are unable to do so, there are a number of factors that may be at play.

  • If you don't have full permissions you won't be able to delete the payment and may not be able to edit it. Learn what to do about a permission issue.
  • If the payment is in a closed month it can't be edited or deleted. Learn what to do about a closed month issue.
  • If the payment has been attached to a submitted deposit, it can't be edited or deleted. Learn what to do about an attached deposit issue.

If the invoice paid contained a negative line item, see these special considerations.



How to delete a payment when you do not have permissions

  • If you do not have full permissions to the Payments screen, you can't delete payments
  • If you have Read-Only rights to Payments you can't edit or delete payments.


  • Find someone in your organization who does have these privileges and work with them to edit or delete the payment.
  • Seek assistance from your higher-level administrator to update your account with these privilges. This may be a church administrator or a diocesan contact.




How to delete a payment when the transaction date is in a closed month

  • If the payment date is in a closed month, it can no longer be edited or deleted.


  • Correct the transaction with a Journal Entry
  • Have your (arch)diocese reopen the month for you
  • Contact ParishSOFT Support if you are not under a(n) (arch)diocese or other governing body.





How to delete a payment when it is attached to a deposit

If the payment has been attached to a deposit and that deposit was submitted, the payment can't be edited or deleted.


  • Delete the deposit so you can edit or delete the payment.

Note: Once the deposit is no longer in a closed month and/or cleared on a reconciliation it can be deleted.

  • If the deposit is in a closed month, that month would have to be reopened in order to delete it.
  • If the deposit is cleared on a bank reconciliation, that reconciliation will need to be reopened if it is closed and/or the deposit will need to have the cleared checkbox removed.  




Special Considerations 

This information is relevant if the invoice paid contained a negative line item:

Some clients choose to offer "Discounts" by adding a negative line item to an invoice.  While this works, it can cause future issues.

  • When that invoice is submitted, the system will strip that negative line item from the invoice and turn it into a credit memo;  that credit memo will be applied to the Invoice as a payment.
  • When this happens, there is no way to see the original negative line item on the invoice anymore.  These credit memos and payments can be edited and deleted like any other when all of the conditions stated above are met. 







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