PSFS IQ - Query Builder: How build a query

How to build a query

Use PSFS IQ to get a report on any data you have entered into the software.

In addition to the top menu bar, there are four sections to the Intelligent Query module with which you will want to become familiar: Column Picker, Result Column, Query Conditions, and Query Results:



Column Picker: Use the column picker to first pick a main area of interest such as Members or Religious Education.  Click the arrow to the left of that category to drill down further.  In some cases, there will be another level. The example below shows how to pull up contact information for Members.


Note: Either click in the checkbox to the left of each field to add to the query or drag the options to the Result Columns window. If the checkboxes are marked, click the Add Column icon.


In either method, the selected fields will be displayed in the Result Columns window.


Once you have chosen the fields for your query, you may move on to filtering your report through adding conditions.


Once you have added conditions to your query, you will want to run the query. See, How to run a query.


For more information on queries, see the Help Article Section on IQ.


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