How to set up the submission options for your form
If you would like to set up the submission options of a form that you have just created from scratch or of an existing form, you may do so in the Submission tab of the Form Properties page.
If you are simply in the process of creating a new form, click the Form Properties option at the bottom of the form. Then select the Submission tab.
- Click Form Properties at the bottom of the form. Note: until you click the Save Changes button, your form (new or changed) has not been saved. Then, select Submission.
- There are two sections of the Submission page:
- The top section allows you to set up Submission parameters such as the maximum number of submissions and the date range submissions are accepted.
- Submit Button Text: The text of this button can be edited to say whatever you would like. For example, Pay Now or Register Now
- The bottom section allows you to determine what happens after the form is submitted such as a displayed thank you message and/or a web page to display.
- You may update these fields according to the purpose of your form.
- When you have completed setting up the Submission options, click OK at the bottom right to be taken back to the Form Manager page where you may save your work.
- The top section allows you to set up Submission parameters such as the maximum number of submissions and the date range submissions are accepted.