IMP MISC Parish Split: Frequently Asked Questions

 Parish Split Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How long will it take ParishSOFT to split the parish’s database?
    • A typical parish split will take 3-5 business days to complete from the time we pull your backup for the staging site. You may continue working on your data.
  2. What is the split work timeline?
    Basic split Timeline:
    • Parish backup retrieved, and they continue working in their production data.
    • ParishSOFT splits targeted Family Workgroup data into a staging site (3-5 business days).
    • Parish & Diocese (if required) reviews and approves data in stage site (2-5 business days).
    • ParishSOFT completes split work in production site (3 business days) after approval of the split in staging
    • Parishes are live in the database
  3. What type of data can be split?
    • Family and Member data, including sacraments and workgroups, can be split. New workgroups can also be created during the split process for the families and members included in the split in one or both of the parishes involved.
    • Sacraments will have the split parish organization set as the location of the sacrament for those sacraments dated with an effective date on or after the effective date.
    • Contributions and Funds as of the effective date of the split can be split.
  4. What type of data cannot be split?
    • Ministry Scheduler, Religious Education & Tuition cannot be split.
  5. What happens to the existing envelope numbers?
    You have two options regarding envelope numbers.
    • You may retain the existing envelope numbers in one or both parishes.
    • They may all be zeroed out in one or both parishes, so you can assign new envelope numbers after the split.
  6. What happens to the existing staff assignment records?
    • Assignment records for all staff in the Parent parish will remain the same.

      A Parish Admin record will be created for the ticket contact with full access to the split parish in the production environment.
  7. Is there a charge for the split work?

    Yes, a ParishSOFT representative will provide you a split work estimate based on the scope of your split work.
  8. Is there any other information that ParishSOFT needs?

    Yes, we will need to know:
    • The Name and Email of both a Parish and Diocesan contact for the split work.
    • The Name and POL #’s (Customer #’s) of all the splitting parishes, designating the master parish containing all the information and the parish(es) being split out.
    • The effective date of your split.
    • Specific details about your split work.
      • A ParishSOFT representative will assist you to gather the specific details.
  9. May we add or remove ParishSOFT Modules during the Split Process?

    Yes, just let your account manager know which modules to remove or which additional modules are desired.


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