PSG Forms Manager - Tuition: How to create a form for tuition payments (no registration)

How to create a form for tuition payments (no registration)


With the new Family Suite feature that allows you to include a form in My Own Church Religious Ed registration, you can allow those at your Parish who are registering for classes to simply click a link and then be directed to a payment page.  This article will detail one way to structure such a tuition payment form.

  1. To begin building your form, see How to create a new form from scratch.
  2. Once in your new form, go to Form Properties.
  3. If you need to rename your form, see How to update the name and description of your form.  You can also add a header image if you already have an image for the form-banner.
  4. Make sure any instructions for the form are entered into the Form Description section found just below the Form Name. see this link to learn how to update the description.
  5. Select either option if you want to have the word "Optional" beside optional fields or "Required" beside required fields. 
  6.  Next, click the Submission tab and change the text for the submission button. To learn about the options available on the submit page, please see How to set up the submission options for your form.
    • The Submission button is what the registrant will click after filling out the payment information.
      In this form, we've changed the text to: Pay for Tuition
  7. Next, go to the Payment tab and enable the Member Portal if it isn't already checked.  If you wish to enable a convenience fee for any payments made on the payments, this is also where you would enable that feature.  See  Enable Convenience fees. If you have not yet added a payment type to your form the only option available is the Enable Member Portal option.
    • Note: If you want to mark any of the other options on this tab, you must come back to it after adding payment fields shown in a later step.
  8. Add the class options in checkbox format: Once you are finished selecting your payment options, click OK at the bottom right to return to the main form. Now you may add fields such as the names of the classes for which tuition is being paid and their amounts.
    • Add a checkbox field.  with the following parameters (see the example screenshot below):
      • Checkbox: name | Choose classes for which you are paying.
      • Checkbox: description | Please check one or more classes for which you would like to pay tuition.
      • Options: Number of columns - 2
      • Options: For each option you add, enter the name of a class.
      • Validation: Mark the option as required.
  9. On the form add a Calculated Amount field and give it the name of the first class you listed on the Checkboxes field.  Enter the number of seats or students for the class (if applicable), the price for the tuition for a single student in that class, and the fund that the tuition for that class will go to. For more information on adding calculated amount fields, see the article, How to use the calculated amount payment fields.
    • Fill in the General Info tab including the item name and price, the total quantity of items, etc., that sets up the requirements for this field.
    • In the Validation tab, make sure that Validation for this field is set to required.
    • Under Conditions add a condition to ensure that if someone checks the box for your class at the top of the form, it will trigger this field to show up.  Once finished, click Ok to exit the field properties.
  10. Next, add a Short Text field just below the calculated amount field.   See How to add, move, and delete fields.
    • General Info tab: Give this field a name related to the class for which you've just added the prior field.
    • Validation tab: make this field required.
    • Conditions tab: add a condition that ensures this field shows up whenever someone checks this particular class in the checkboxes field at the top of the form.  Click Ok to exit the field properties.
  11. Repeat steps listed in 10 for each class you've listed in the checkboxes field.  This will ensure you have a form where payment fields only show up for the classes that a Parent selects at the top of the form.
  12. Once you're finished adding fields, save your form and publish it.  If you are using this form in conjunction with the ParishSOFT Family Suite "Pay Now" option, you will need to acquire the direct link for the form, which can be found in Form Properties at the bottom of the page.




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