PSG Forms - Form Properties | Payment: How to set the accepted payment method(s) on a giving form

How to set the accepted payment method(s) on a giving form


  1. On the Dashboard, select Forms from the Navigator Bar on the left (image above).
  2. Select the giving form, then select Form Properties at the bottom.
  3. Go to the Payment tab.

  4. In the bottom left of the Payment page is a list of accepted payment types for the form.  You can choose to allow ACH, Credit/Debit Cards, and/or allow a pay later option.  Unchecking any of these payment types will ensure that payment type is not accepted or offered on the form.

  5. Once you've made your selections, click OK at the bottom of Form Properties.
  6. Click Save Changes in the bottom right of the form and then select Publish to register the changes you've just made.




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