PSG MinistryOne - Sermons: How to link a social media account to MinistryOne

How to link a social media account to MinistryOne

You now have the option to link one social media account to Ministry One, so you can share content with your parishioners. You may choose between Youtube, Vimeo, or a podcast account.  This can be used to post previously recorded audio or video from Mass, audio recorded messages, or video recorded announcements from your parish.

To link one of the above social media accounts to MinistryOne:

  1. Go to the MinistryOne Admin portal and expand the Modules option.
  2. From the dropdown, choose Sermons.
  3. To tie a social media account to your MinistryOne Application you will need the following for each individual media type.  
    • Podcasts: You will need your podcast feed URL
    • YouTube: Your YouTube Channel URL.
    • Vimeo: Your Vimeo Feed URL.
  4. Once you enter the needed information for one of the social media sites, click Import.
  5. Your social media account is successfully linked with the option if you see a Disconnect option to its right.  If you turn on the Featured Sermon option using the slider button below, your most recent posting will be listed at the top in the Sermons listing of the MinsitryOne App.
  6. You may only link one social media account. If you try to add another, you will get the following message:
    • Once you disconnect the current media, you may link the new one. Only one type may be linked at a time.



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