PSA L&P - Deposits: How to change the bank account on a deposit that was inserted through ParishSOFT Offering integration

How to change the bank account on a deposit that was inserted through ParishSOFT Offering integration


  1. Go to Ledger and Payables → Deposits.
  2. Click Find Deposit.
  3. Search for the deposit in one of two ways:
    • In the Transaction Number field, enter the deposit number (if known) and click Search.
    • OR, click the Show All button if you don't know the deposit number.Deposit-Search_Enter-Dep__or_Showall.png
  4. Click the Go button by the deposit you wish to edit. Deposit-Search_Click-Go.png
    If you use Primary Subsidiary Bank Accounts, click here to continue. If not, continue to step #5.

  5. On the Deposit Entry screen click the Bank Account dropdown field and select the bank account you wish to change to.
  6. Click Submit.

You are done if you do not use Primary/Subsidiary Bank Accounts. If you do, you should have done steps 1-4 above and then you will continue on below.


Primary/Subsidiary Users (cont. from step 4 above)

  1. Replace the errant bank account with the correct one as follows:
    • Remove the account in the subsidiary bank account field in the line item of your deposit.
    • Then click the drop-down arrow to get a list of your bank accounts.
    • Finally, select the correct bank account.
      Note: Do this for every incorrect subsidiary bank account in the deposit.

  2. Click Submit. 




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