PSFS Family List - Email: How to get a list of all family emails to copy into your email address bar or bcc bar (mass email)

How to get a list of all family emails to copy into your email address bar or bcc bar (mass email)

  1. Open Family DirectoryFamily List.
  2. Click the filter icon at the top of the page to add any membership filters you need and then click Apply
  3. Now that your family list is filtered for the families you need to contact, follow these steps to produce your email list:
      1. Select the email iconA (envelope with pencil).
      2. In the View Recipients window, select Load from GridB (upper right link).
      3. You will see the following message "This will clear any email address you have selected and load all unique email addresses from the grid below" Select OK.
      4. Still in the View Recipients window, select the Send Outlook Email buttonC and then select BCC.

        • This will load all your emails into a window separated by semi-colons (shown below).
  4. When you click into the Copy/Paste Addresses, all of the addresses will automatically be selected. If they are not, you may use CTRL-A to select them all. Then, CTLR-C will copy them all.
  5. Use Ctrl-V to paste them into the BCC field of your email.



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