PSG Forms - Form Properties | Payment: How to set the fund for Administrative Fees

This article assumes:

  • you have an existing form that you will modify
  • you have a pay item field on your existing form
  • you have already marked the box to allow the user to help pay for the Administrative fee. If you have not, you may do so now.

To bring up your existing form, log into the ParishSOFT Giving site, and select Forms from the left side menu. Then, select your form. 

  1.  In the form go to Form Properties
  2. Click the PAYMENT tab and use an Administrative Fee Fund dropdown options to select the fund or sub-fund to which you want the "User covers fee" transactions to go.
  3. Click OK.
  4. Save and Publish your form to apply changes.

Note: The "Apply Optional or Required fee for Payment" feature is not checked by default. Admins will need to manually enable this feature by checking the box. 





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