PSG Forms Manager - Form Fields:  How to create fields that will auto-fill existing donor data into the form

How to create fields that will auto-fill existing donor data into the form

In order for fields on a form to auto-fill with donor data, the member portal must be enabled and the donor must have an existing Giving account.  Once the member portal is enabled, when a donor with an existing Giving account signs in on the giving forms, the following fields will populate with information from their Donor Profile:

  • Email
  • Name

To enable the Member Portal:

  1. Go to Form Properties (bottom left of the page).
  2. Click the Payment tab.
  3. Check the check-box for Enable Member Portal.
  4. Click OK.
  5. Publish the changes to your form.

Once you've made these changes to the form, the donor must:

  1. Click the Sign In tab on the form
  2. and sign in to their ParishSOFT Giving Account.
    • Some fields will auto-populate information from the Parishioner's Donor Profile as shown in the example below:




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