DM Funds - Funds: How to add a new fund

How to add a fund

  1. Go to the Funds page.
    • Using the Navigator Bar, select Funds.
    • Using the Funds Card, select Go to Funds.
  2. To avoid duplicates, search for the fund before adding.
  3. To add a new fund, click the add action button in the upper right corner of the screen. Izzy_Select-Funds_Add-Action-Icon.png
  1. Fill in each option according to your requirements and then click the save action button.
    • To review the definition of each field and how each choice affects fund functionality, see the in-app Development Manager Help file for Fund Details.
  2. Click the following links to learn how to update your fund settings for Permissions, Frequency, Appeal (types), Goals, Refunds, Parish Reports, and Designations.



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