PSFS Family Directory - Family List: How to remove a parishioner from receiving envelopes without affecting giving

How to remove a parishioner from receiving envelopes without affecting giving

To update a record so the family no longer receives envelopes, go to the family details record and in the lower right section of the screen, unmark the option to send contribution envelopes.

When you remove the "Send Contribution Envelope" indication or checkmark in a family record it automatically prompts you to set the envelope number to 0.

  • If your member has an online giving account and therefore is still contributing but does not need a physical envelope, make sure to click "No" in answer to the prompt about setting the envelope number to zero. This will keep the same envelope number for the member, but the member will not receive envelopes.
  • If your member does not have an online giving account and also does not want to receive envelopes, click "Yes" in answer to the prompt about setting the envelope number to zero.

Note: All contributions are tied to the Family (or Member) DUID for parishioners. If you remove the envelope number (or set it to 0), it will not affect the contributions of the parishioner. The following article gives a little more detail on this question:  What happens to the giving history when I reassign or remove an envelope number?



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